Monday, May 7, 2007

Welcome to the Ashbrook Village HOA Blog

I created this blog to be a source of open communication across our community. Please feel free to post your comments, concerns or questions, and respectful of our neighbors and anyone who may not share your opinions.


The Ruth family said...

Regarding fences.....

Fence style restrictions should remain the same at best and if any changes be made to allow different types, only allow superior quality material approved by the review committee and with written consent of all neighbors that adjoin the property.

Fence color should remain as only white and/or beige color, regardless of trim color of the home.

Fence height should be limited to 42 inches, unless village/city code requires more. No 6 foot privacy fences should be allowed.

The Ruth family said...

Regarding sheds......

I for one would love to have a shed. That being said, If sheds are to be allowed, regulate the heck out of it. There should be a maximum size, height, exterior material like the home, roof pitch similar to the home, as well as required landscaping on all sides of the unit. The thought process behind this is the following.... the view out of most of our back windows is not bad now. To clog it up with buildings of all types, sizes, colors and without landscaping would be a shame. If the regulations make the cost to extreme, so be it, I would rather have nothing (status quo) than cheapen the look of the area.

The Ruth family said...

Regarding a property management company.....

A professional management company would be a welcome addition. They would solve much more problems then they could possibly create. They manage property for a living, thats what they do. Hire them and let them do their job, and let the people of the neighborhood be part of a neighborhood. Having a Mgmt Co. would not stop any type of community events and/or projects. They would serve at our pleasure and under the watchfull eye of the neighborhood.

When we moved into this neighborhood, we were aware of all of the deed restrictions the were placed on the property as well as the yearly HOA fee. It is a shame to see some of the property owners not follow those restictions and the trustees not have the "teeth" to impose fines on the property owners who violate those restrictions and or fail to pay any yearly dues.

jabell57 said...

I would like the HOA to get the Village or someone to fix the main exit onto Washington Street. As you exit to the right toward the high school, large gravel stones have been placed into a pothole at the end of the sidewalk. The gravel is constantly kicked out into the street. This pothole area should be paved. STOP WITH THE GRAVEL - IT DOES NOT WORK!

I still recommend that names and addresses of residents who have not paid their HOA dues be published in a newsletter. Once they have paid their name should disappear.

The property management company is an excellent idea and I am willing to pay a little extra for this service.

Get the pond fountain back in operation and put a light on it, if the price is within reason. Do whatever with the muskrats.

During the meeting, I voiced my strong opinion against turning the gun club area into a public park. Myself and others on Bruns Court have already dealt with the Sheriff on past violators. A public park would increase traffic, noise, riff-raff, and possible alcohol and drugs. Being a secluded area also affords concealment for other covert activities. Myself and several others on Bruns Court are already willing to erect a barrier with heavy chain that would keep vehicle traffic out of that area. The barrier could be controlled by the HOA or the management company. Access could be coordinated through the management company for HOA sponsored events or for scheduled and approved family activities such as family reunions, etc...

Saylor Court Resident said...

First, I'd like to thank everyone who has ever served on the HOA board - what a difficult job!

Here are my comments regarding the survey received at the meeting on Saturday.

Fences - perhaps we could update the styles allowed if the current trends have changed, but they should be equal or higher quality than what our current deed restrictions allow.
To create a look of continuity in our development, the colors white/beige must stay the same as well as the height – Maximum 42”.
Please do not allow any privacy fences. I moved here for the openness of the community. (Of course if an in ground pool is an issue - the fence must meet the village’s regulations for safety purposes.)

Property Management - YES! I never realized this was an option. These people will have time to work on our community all day! Many improvements will come from this. This job is too big for volunteers. I see no negative points to having a company manage our administrative duties. Here are the positive points I see.
• This would allow our trustees of the HOA to focus on what our community really needs. Planning outings and providing us with opportunities to come together. The trustees are volunteers; this should be a rewarding experience for them as well as us as a community.
• Deed restrictions could be enforced
• Nothing would be overlooked, i.e. taxes, deed restrictions, collection of dues.

Sheds – the ability to have a small shed to store the lawn mower and kids bikes would be such a benefit. But I agree that this would have to be heavily monitored and restricted. Again, continuity in the community is important for the esthetics of our community. The sheds should be small, and match the materials and color of the house. There should be restrictions as to how close to another’s property they can be and landscaping should be placed around the shed.

Dues- No one wants to spend more money than necessary, but if making improvements to our community to employee a property management company is enacted, then it will be worth it. I just ask that we look at several options and get references so that we will be employing a company that will benefit us.

Collection of dues – I think communication is the key here. Recently, when dues have been collected, signs are being posted at the entrances. That is a start.
If we do not use a management company, perhaps a phone number can be placed on the sign as to who can be contacted to get a bill if one has been misplaced or received.

Also, an idea to promote publicity that dues are due, what about placing a sign in one’s yard after their check is received stating “It’s time to pay dues”.

No one wants their name published as a non payer – maybe this would be a more positive way to alert people that they are responsible to pay.

Trampolines – I know, I’m a party pooper – but I HATE the things. They are an eyesore and they are very dangerous. . They are becoming more popular and I don’t know if banning them would be passed by a vote. However if we did vote, my vote would be no.

If we do continue to allow them, we must have restrictions placed on them to keep our children safe. For example, there must be safety pads and enclosure nets.

Williamson Lane – Too many people speed down this stretch of road. I fear for my children’s safety. I would like to see speed bumps placed on this road or at least several stop signs at intersections to slow down the traffic.

Geese – Although the geese are pretty to look at and see floating on the pond, their droppings are a terrible mess and are causing our green space in that area not to be usable. I used to go and sit by the pond all the time, but the geese have taken over. One cannot walk through there without stepping in something. There are ways to force the geese to relocate. This is an important issue that we need to look at as a community.

Green space transferred to village – More discussion is defiantly needed with the village to see what this all would entail and what our rights would be. Of course our contract with the village would need to include a clause that we would have total control as a HOA as to what is done with the green space. Here are the points that concern me and why I think we should let the village handle the green space.

• Cost of maintenance
o Lawn care
o Rebuilding wall of old pond that is currently eroding and will cause flooding and damage to homes near it.
o Removal of trees in the wooded area that are damaged and can cause damage to surrounding housed
o Police patrol of the enclosed area – now that is private property and they can do nothing about the illicit dealings that may be going on back there.
o Someone mentioned that the developers said they could not build on that green space because of all the lead in the ground from the previous gun club – let the village pay for the clean up of that. Do we really want the cost of the removal of that?
o Tax relief – the HOA would no longer be responsible for paying taxes on all this land.

I know that this is a very sensitive subject to those in our community. However, we already have people who are not from our development going back into the old gun club. I really don’t think that by giving the green space to the village would create any more people coming back there. I only see big problems and big dollars for us to maintain the property. Again – as long as we have a final say of what is done with that space, why not let the village pay for it. The mayor said that we would have total control of it; they would just maintain it financially. As long as we get that in writing, everything should work out fine. If we want, we don’t’ have to do anything with the land, just keep it green space, but the village could maintain and patrol the area which would be a huge benefit and relief for our community.

Allen Thomas said...


Property Management Company:

Professional management is certainly the way to go and choosing the right one is of utmost importance given the cost and all they will be doing, but this won't necessarily be the total solution to our problems, as they will work at the direction of the Trustees. One Trustee has repeatedly over the years been irresponsible and failed the HOA, and as long as this person remains our success will be questionable.

So as not to overburden the Trustees, there should be a review committee to assist them with the selection of a management company and as with any contracting there should be a minimum of three proposals obtained for review.

A management company should be in place no later than November of this year in order to commence 2008 budget preparation, dues billing and other business without delay.

Prior to commencement of management services, efforts toward collection of unpaid dues of homes presently on the market for sale should be pursued immediately through contact with the listing agent and/or placement of a lien. Also there should be follow-up on lien letters that were mailed earlier this year and liens placed accordingly to better insure collection. I agree with the new Treasurer's recommendation of mailing dues bills to all unpaid accounts. Continued delay of action will only risk recovery of these funds.
Fountain and Muskrats in Pond:

To forget it and do nothing is no solution, but I don't like the idea of killing the Muskrats and don't know if it is necessary. I'm for the use of flexible conduit to protect the wiring and pro-life for the little Muskrats. Not only should the fountain be put back into operation, but depending on the age and condition maybe it should be replaced, in which case a lighted fountain would be wonderful.
Gun Club as Village Park:

A barrier should be erected to limit access to this area strictly to those who are authorized to use it. I would like more facts, although a proposed park could result in more harm than good, but if it is decided to give up any property, maybe we should give up all the common grounds. Mowing, which is our biggest expense, as well as common ground liability insurance (when we have it) and taxes could be eliminated all together.

Meetings should have a PA system so everyone can hear and be heard and speakers (Trustees, officers, members, etc.) should identify themselves.

Notice of this newly created HOA Blog should be posted at all the entrances (as are other HOA notices) and should also include the entrances of the two Washington St. sections.

There should be a follow-up on Dominion's unfulfilled obligations (punch list) to the HOA.

Allen Thomas said...


Fences color and height restrictions:

No change is necessary. As it is restrictions are up to the Trustees and they can vote to allow or deny variations in color or height. There are no actual restrictions as to color or height, although anything not specifically stated in the Special Warranty Deed will require approval from the Association.

Deed restrictions clearly state no storage buildings are permitted.
Language for Teeth into Violations/Currently No Fines:

I don't think we should bite off more than we can chew and teeth aren't that important when we are just chewing the fat. One example, there has always been teeth in the language concerning the dues collection, but it is not acted upon. Nobody is afraid of a dog that won't bite.
Raise Dues:

It depends on the need and who is defining the need. If the need is due to covering mismanagement, I would say NO! If money is the answer, but not the real problem, we will need deep pockets for any future. Increasing the dues or even obtaining professional management services won't necessarily be the total solution to our problems, but they could be a cover-up for an existing problem. One Trustee has repeatedly over the years been irresponsible and failed the HOA, and as long as this person remains our success will be in jeopardy.

Annual dues can be increased no more than 5% above that of the previous year. Dues have been increased to the max each year per the Trustees. Members have not been nor are they required to have a vote on this, however members do have a vote on a "Special Assessment," which would be applicable only to the year proposed and if approved would be owed in addition to the annual dues.

Being that an assessment is required, there should be a projected budget prior to suggesting an increase for the 2008 dues or proposal of a "Special Assessment" and at this point, I see nothing to indicate the need for either. Per the HOA financial statement distributed at Saturday's meeting, there should be a surplus of money at year end after the necessary expenses noted below.

$5,958.95 Funds balance as of 6/16/07 per financial statement
-180.00 Estimated storm water expense June thru Dec 2007
-1,050.00 Estimated electric expense June thru Dec 2007
$4,728.95 Funds balance after prepaying storm water & electric bills
-500.00 Estimate cost for potential billing & lien placements
-2,874.00 Mgmt. Co. exp. Sept thru Dec 2007 ($1.50 per mo x 479 prop x 4 months)
$1,354.95 Funds balance after Mgmt. Co. expense

Still, this is not taking into consideration the additional dues monies yet to be collected, which stated at the meeting is between $27,000 and $30,000.

I don't find anything in the deed restrictions that apply to trampolines. Like them or not, we may have to accept them unless there is some restriction in the Village Code.

Pertaining to voting issues, I don't think proper notification and assurance of a valid proxy can be done by door to door distribution of ballots. It is to my understanding a meeting is to be called for the purpose of taking action and all members (recorded property owners) are to be sent written notice.

I think we should focus on priorities prior to looking for too much change; according to the Special Warranty Deed, Article One, Section 15, changes to our covenants cannot be made before 30 years have passed and I think we have more than enough problems without looking that far into the future.

Subject to limitations imposed by the Special Warranty Deed or the Bylaws, all power and authority of the HOA is in the hands of the Trustees and they are to manage and conduct the business and affairs of the Association and exercise the powers and duties as they were established; any other concerns should be secondary to this. There is nothing stating an obligation to oversee or use HOA funds for extra community events; this can be handled by a committee or a totally separate organization and would require no affiliation with the HOA.

S. Waitkus said...

Only allow neutral colors -- no purple, please -- on fences and ABSOLUTELY do not change the fence height. Why do people want to hide and not meet their neighbors?

No sheds! One becomes two, two becomes three and before you know it, there are privacy sheds, instead of fences. What about the garage "bump out" as an option? It is more attractive and adds storage space from the inside of the garage. Looks great!

Please ENFORCE deed restrictions. Hire the company to collect dues and enforce the restrictions. Allow the trustees and other volunteers to have FUN planning community events.

If raising the dues by $18 will allow for collecting dues in order to make the needed improvements, I say go for it.

Trampolines, sheds, privacy fences and inflatable pools should not be allowed.

I totally agree that in addition to the fountain being fixed and lighted, the geese should be relocated and detered from returning.

I definitely need more information on the gun club and what the Village can or cannot do there.

I would like to invite someone from each street, court, road, drive to volunteer as spokesperson and share comments being made. Why are there only a few at these community meetings? There must be a lot of gamblers in the hood who are used to losing money...your house is your investment, why not participate?

Victor Paini said...


I couldn't agree more with you about the gravel in the front of the neighborhood. Here is a quick update.

I brought this up at our last Service Committee Meeting on June 18th. I advised Village employees about the gravel situation (of which they were very familiar) but I also brought up another issue - the fact that there is no crosswalk there. There is a sign and light showing on, but there is no curb, ramp or crosswalk. So effectively there is no authorized path from Ashbrook out of the neighborhood for walkers.

They advised me that the should be able to create/connect a sidewalk from where our sidewalk ends to the corner, add a ramp and paint stripes - all this summer.

This has been a hot button isue for me since I campaigned and I hope it gets resolved this summer. I will follow up with them periodically to gauge their progress.

Thanks for the comments. Also, anyone with Village related issues, feel free to email me at

Allen Thomas said...

I'm of the opinion a Trustee should be more of an example rather than being exempted from responsibility. Trustees are supposed to enforce the rules and regulations, not defy them. How can it be expected of other HOA members to take matters seriously and comply with restrictions when an enforcer is not?

With the decline of the HOA over the years there has been one constant, a Trustee who has repeatedly failed and shows no evidence of serving now, but for himself.

At the June 16 meeting there was a list presented of considerations for possible changes to the deed restrictions, one item being "Sheds - Currently not allowed," yet despite this, one of our Trustees is already in the process of building a shed, which short of shingling the roof, appears to be all but complete!

Due to the negligence of our previous Trustee/Treasurer, who is now Trustee/Secretary, the HOA was without liability insurance for eleven (11) months (June 21, 2006 through May 21, 2007); as we are all HOA members, we were all at risk during this time of being sued if someone had been injured on the common area properties.

Anyone in favor of the removal of Spencer Wood as Trustee or wanting more details as to why, please contact me at .

jabell57 said...

I agree with Mr. Thomas. Apparently Mr. Woods is exempt from the rules and regulations that govern the rest us.

I also support voting him off as a HOA "TRUSTEE" as he does not demonstrate (by definition) the qualities necessary to hold such a position.

I also again want to propose that when it does come time for a vote, that anyone not current on their HOA dues not be allowed to have discussion/input on HOA issues, attend HOA meetings and not be allowed to vote on HOA issues.
"Not getting a HOA bill" is not a valid excuse.

DKTB said...

Simple deed opinions:
* No Change in fence restrictions.
* No Sheds. Mr. Woods needs to tear his down or I will build a pole barn. The precedent has been established by him.
* Enforce HOA dues -- get a backbone. If not enforced, then I won't pay either.
* Management Vendor - Yes, when can we expect details?
* Gun club changes. It looks trashy and promotes trashy visitors. Put it under the city, patrol it. Lock it? Trash can still walk in and do their foolery regardless of who owns.

akz said...

We purchased our home in this beautiful community because of the openness. While we don't like fences, they are in the deed restrictions. We would like the height restrictions kept the same. No privacy fences please!! All fences should be painted and maintained. We have too many fences in need of a coat of paint or have not been painted.

Trampolines-They are too much of an eyesore!!!

We approve of a Property Management Company. Several companies need to be interviewed before making a selection. We want a company that is diligent in collecting dues and placing liens on the homes on the market that have not paid past and present dues. The dues collected could be used to purchase mulch, fix the pond, put in a new fountain with a light, repaint the entrance signs and other signage to make the community appealing to prospective buyers. The more appealing we make this community the more we will enhance our property values.

We are opposed to turning the Gun Club over to the village. However, we would like to see it mowed and better maintained.

Trampolines are an eyesore to the community.

The sheds, aka "playhouses" being errected in the community must come down! Murdock Lane has become an eyesore!!

We appreciate the time and work our current president and treasuer have put in. However, the secretary needs to go! He needs to follow the deed restrictions also.

Concerned Citizen said...

First of all, I would like to say that I LOVE this neighborhood. However, all of the arguing and in-fighting is driving me crazy. Some of us just want to go about our business without being bothered with all of this pettiness and finger pointing. I really hope that all of us can grow up and start coming with ideas to bring the neighborhood together instead of divide it.

Here are my opinions regarding deed restriction changes:

1) Fence - I think that fence height should be increased to 60" (5 feet), but should stay white in color. Personally, I think that the unpainted fences look terrible!

2) Trampolines - The kids really enjoy them, but I think there should be guidelines of some kind because they do become a bit of an eyesore.

3) Swing Sets - If we are going to put restrictions on fences, sheds and trampolines, I think that Swing Sets/Outdoor Play Equipment should have restrictions as well. Some swing sets that are in bad shape are much more of an eyesore than other things - like fences and sheds.

4) Sheds - I think that it would be nice to have a shed, as I am unable to use some of my 2 car garage due to keeping my lawnmower, lawn tools, etc in my garage. However, I think that there will have to be SERIOUS thought put into the kind of sheds that we all want. I think that we need to be very careful in making sure that they look nice.

5) Management Company - I am not interested in paying more money for dues when I feel that the money that I have paid has been misused year after year.

6) Pond - I think that the pond should be turned over to the Village. For those of you who are afraid that making it public will bring in the "riff-raff" - I hate to tell you that the riff-raff is already there. On several occasions when I have gone there to fish, there have been groups of people who do not live in Ashbrook there depleting the stock of fish that I like to catch and release. Also, there have been groups of high school students there drinking, smoking and who knows what else. I feel that letting the Village clean it up is best for all of us.

**My BIGGEST concern is how the "new" deed restrictions will be enforced. Will ALL houses in Ashbrook be forced to comply with restrictions, even if they have an existing violation? If we are not going to make ALL homeowners accountable for ALL deed restrictions, then we should not even worry about changing them. While walking around Ashbrook, I have counted literally dozens of violations - sometimes multiple violations at one home.
I think that we should all have the same rules to follow and be accountable for our homes being in compliance.

Thank you for reading my ramblings.

nlkaser said...

suggestions for the old gun site: Could some of the trees and overgrowth of bushes be cut back on the side of the pond so you could see the area better. Leave all the trees that back to the yards on Bruns Ct but cut out the trees that hide us for seeing the shelter house and road leading to the 2nd pond and steps. Cut away the lower branches of the trees therefor leaving shade to the area.

jmilford said...

I have recently moved into Ashbrook Village and no association member has contacted me about an association fee. If no one is collecting from me, does that mean no one is in charge and no dues are being collected from anyone? I think it is worth the money to hire a management company. What the association is loosing in uncollected dues, could pay for these services and possibly without an increase in dues. When is the next meeting?

Allen Thomas said...


I don't know if you received your bill yet, but they were sent out recently & 2008 dues are $82.69 for the calender year.

The HOA management company is:
Onyx Realty
Vida J. Burns, Property Manager
1612 Lancaster Ave.
Reynoldsburg, Oh. 43068
ph # 614 856 3770
fax 614 856 3779

I don't know when the next meeting will be, but it should be soon & it should also include election of the new Trustees. Last year's election/meeting was on March 24.

Hope this answers your questions & welcome to Ashbrook Village.

Allen Thomas, Ashbrook Village resident

Pam Allen said...

Are we having a subdivision garage sale the weekend after Labor Day???