Saturday, June 16, 2007

how to post a comment

Just click on comments ( in small letters at bottom of the posting) and it will take you to a link where you must create a google account. This site does not allow anyone to post anonymously. After creating your account, simply type in your comment and post. Also available is our email.

Special Meeting June 16th 2007 Regarding Deed Restrictions

Today we held a special meeting to discuss a number of issues. There are several major initiatives underfoot that I want to make everyone aware of.

1) The exploration of hiring a HOA Management Company
2) The effort to collect "ballot issues" to be used for voting for deed restriction changes
3) The possibility of entering into an agreement with the Village to take over ownership of the gun club area.
4) Unpaid HOA dues.

HOA Management Company:
Initial discussions regarding a Management Company have been met with a positive response. The trustees will meet with a couple of companies and post the results of those conversations as we learn about options. This item does not require a vote from the HOA members. But the trustees are looking for your opinions on the subject.

Unpaid HOA Dues: This was a hot topic. We still have somewhere between $27,000 and $30,000 to collect in back dues. 102 property owners have not paid this year. Ask your neighbor to pay if they haven't. In hiring a property management company we will be getting to some serious levels of confronting this issue. The company will send three letters. The first is a friendly reminder. The second is not so nice. The third will have the court date on it. Court costs will be added to the amount owed. Just another reason why I think a property management company is the way to go. If your neighbor tells you they never got a bill, my phone number is posted here and we'll be happy to give the amount they owe.

Deed Restrictions Ballot Suggestions:
Please submit these to me as soon as possible. I'm planning on putting together the comments I recieve by the end of the month. That should give everyone time to think about the issues and what points you want to make. Keep them general. Remember, if we have too many are posted it will spread the vote and we may never get a 67% vote on anything. At the bottom of this sheet is the text from the meeting. Please copy and paste in word or similiar tool and print off a copy with your comments. My goal is to put together the essense of what I get back and post it. Eventually this will be used for coming up with the ballot of voting issues. These will be distributed by volunteers for votes door to door. A committee will then gather and count the votes. Lastly, we'll post the results and let you know if anything changed.

Gun Club - Village Ownership:
The Mayor was on hand to discuss the Village's willingness to discuss with the HOA the possibility of taking over the Gun Club parcel as a Village Park. This 10 acre parcel remains unimproved, and costs the HOA over $3,000 annually in tax assessments.

There were many people who voiced a number of concerns about the area:

  • Being unimproved has been appreciated by many, as the area acts as a natural, quiet area for walks. Lot owners that adjoin this parcel paid lot premiums for the benefit of being against and area that had no improvement plans.
  • Concerns regarding HOA and non-HOA residents who might frequent this area.

We also discussed the Muskrats in the pond and putting back in the fountain. The consensus was to trap the Muskrats and remove them. Then put the fountain back and use a conduit to deter further chewing.


Please print off this portion and return to me at 7490 Williamson Lane or you can post your answers publicly and we'll add them to the others. Questions - call me at 833-6187


Fences – change restriction on color/style?
Currently only picket style , white or beige is allowed

Fences – change height allowed
Maximum height is currently 42”

Sheds –
Currently not allowed
· Size allowed – Up to _____________________
· Materials for construction required-
Siding, roofing
· Color -

Language to put teeth into violations around deed restrictions. Currently no fines.

Raise Dues –

Trampolines –
